Spielverbot für Gilad Atzmon kostet 155.000 €. Ist das ein „Judaslohn“?

Vorbemerkt: die Frage ist eine äußerst weströmisch christliche, denn die frühkonziliarisch durch die Herrn Stellvertreter Gottes in Rom weggesäuberten über 20 Ur-Evangelien waren nicht so antisemitisch getrimmt wie die übriggebliebenen 4 Klassiker, in denen der Jesusmord den Einwohnern des von römischen Imperium besetzten Palästina angehängt wurde. Karl-Heinz Deschner hat dazu viel geforscht und geschrieben… Wenn der Jesus von Nazareth denn je historisch verbrieft als jüdischer Dissident existierte, wurde er wie auch seine Mitgekreuzigten nicht von diesen umgebracht, aber das wäre jetzt eine andere lange Geschichte …

Gilad Atzmon war Iraeli, diente in der Israelischen Armee, wanderte aus, ging ins britische Exil. Dort wird jetzt versucht, den international renommierten Jazz-Musiker &-Lehrer, Philosophen und Schriftsteller mit Auftritts-Boykotten in der Ausübung der Freiheit der Kunst, der Rede, der Schrift zu hindern und ihn auch wirtschaftlich zu ruinieren. (HaBE)

Um diesen Boykott zu umgehen, greift Gilad listreich gelegentlich in den Kostüm-Fundus befreundeter Institutionen: den gecancelten Auftritt, ersetzte er durch eine Santa Claus-Überraschung. Gilad: Santa Claus is the best Jazz-Student I ever had! :-0)))))

Scandal: An Impoverished Labour Council spent  £136.000  to stop me from playing sax and got Santa Claus instead


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By Gilad Atzmon

The corrupted Islington Labour Council has disclosed that it spent the staggering amount of £136.000 on legal fees in its efforts to stop me from playing sax with the Blockheads at a Christmas concert.

 Islington Labour council claims to be impoverished, as a result it has evicted disabled people, it  struggles with housing and can’t find the necessary cash to feed impoverished kids in school.  Instead  they used the £136.000 of the taxpayers’ money to try to interfere with the arts, freedom of expression and a Christmas musical celebration. If this story doesn’t become a huge scandal, Britain is a free place no more.

£136.000 could provide a roof for more than 270 disabled and homeless people for a month…

£136.000 could provide a roof for more than 270 disabled and homeless people for a month…


On 3 December, Islington Council received an email from Likud Uk Director Martin Rankoff. Rankoff claimed to be so upset by my appearance at a council venue that he would be forced not to attend. Council leader Richard Watts took immediate action. In an email to Rankoff he vowed to prevent me from appearing with the Blockheads. On the 4th the Council sent a letter to the Band informing them that they had to remove me from the  concert or face a cancelation. The Band was indignant that the Council was interfering with their performance and published a very strong statement opposing the Council’s demand.  I hired a legal team to help me fight the Council’s autocratic demand.

On its part, the bankrupt Council hired the Simkins law firm. Simkins, already one of Britain’s most expensive legal firms, deployed two partners for the task of stopping me playing the sax. Not surprisingly,  one of these partners had represented ultra Zionist tycoon Sheldon Adelson, a benefactor of both President Trump and Likud leader Bibi Netanyahu.

 A few days before the concert, I publicised the matter, having decided that the public deserved to know how their Council was spending its time and their money. And I was determined to expose the troubling collusion between the Labour Council and Likud UK.

 A petition expressing disgust with the Council was launched and quickly gathered almost 7000 signatures, but the Council refused to employ common sense. Thousands off complaints were filed with the council. But the Labour council preferred to listen to UK Likud Director. I was told that the Council was spending tens of thousands of pounds on legal fees to justify its unlawful act. Some of  my supporters filed Freedom of Information requests to find out how much Cllr Watts’ ‘decision’ cost Islington’s residents.

I thought there had been an outlandish waste of £40-60.000. Today, through the Freedom of Information replies, we learned that the corrupted Labour politicians spent three times that amount. And in response to a request for an explanation of the Council’s actions, the Labour councillors showed that they were not even brave enough to take responsibility for their own wasteful and absurd actions. Their claim was that the Council’s employees had been the decision makers.  “The operative decision to ban Mr Atzmon was not taken by a councillor. Rather, the decision was taken by Martin Bevis, Assistant Director Financial Operations and Customer Service, and that decision was upheld on appeal by Ian Adams, Director Financial Operations and Customer Services.”

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It seems unlikely that Martin Bevis and Ian Adams were the decision makers. If they were, the Council should explain how it managed to spend a six figure sum on lawyers.

The message to peace loving  Brits is clear, despite our love for  Corbyn: the Labour party, in its current form, is a cancerous rotten collective. Not only is it unqualified to lead, its  proximity to government puts the future of Britain as a free society at a grave risk.

My friend, Iranian American author Negar Azizmoradi, gives us this parable. A frog thrown into a pot of boiling water will immediately jump out but a frog placed in a pot of cold water that is slowly heated to a boil will not save itself. It will be cooked to death. Brits, like Americans, the French and other westerners have been steamed for a while. Corbyn has been submerged in the heating water for the last three years. We are running out of the time to jump out. If we don’t put this madness to an end, we’re all going to end up as rotting corpses in a chicken soup.  

But this story has a good ending. while Islington council was quick to waste its residents’ tax money on lawyers I managed to channel my art through Santa Claus, probably my best student ever:


My battle for truth and freedom involves  some expensive legal services. I hope that you will consider committing to a monthly donation in whatever amount you can give. Regular contributions will enable me to avoid being pushed against a wall and to stay on top of the endless harassment by Zionist operators attempting to silence me.

https://donorbox.org/support-gilad-s-legal-fund locked0

Autor: Hartmut Barth-Engelbart

Autor von barth-engelbart.de

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