Ecuador im Massen-Aufstand gegen die US-Weltbank-IWF-Marionette Lenin Moreno

Wer den eigenen für den Nabel der Welt hält, sollte sich doch mal mit anderen Nachrichtenquellen den Untertassen-Horizont erhellen

Lieber Hartmut

den indymedia-argentina-Artikel mit Daten von Vorgestern haben wir im Moment keine Zeit zu übersetzen und zudem ist er sehr tagesaktuell, so dass seine Bedeutung schnell abnimmt.

Dafür haben wir Dir 2 interessante auf Englisch rausgefischt aus den brandenden Wellen des lateinamerikanischen I-net Datenmeers. Die sind gewiss für viele Deutschsprachige besser verständlich und auch leichter zu übersetzen. Zudem enthalten sie mehr grundsätzliche langfristig gültige Information, deren Relevanz nicht so schnell der Zeit zum Opfer fällt… Wir hoffen sie dienen Dir!

Aus dem jeden Tag kämpferischeren Lateinamerika schicken wir Dir
¡Un abrazo muy fuerte Compa!

Siehe auch die Einleitung zu den NOTICIAS, die Du auch in Deinem Postfach finden solltest.

Schön wäre es, wenn die EuropäerInnen auch so machtvoll, kreativ und in Massen auf die zT sehr ähnlichen Schweinereien „Ihrer“ Regimes antworten würden… Wir hoffen, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit sei!



SITREP: Ecuador on the brink of civil war?
2761 Views October 08, 2019 15 Comments

by Ruben Bauer Naveira (Brazil) for The Saker Blog

The CONAIE hereby declares a state of exception in all indigenous territories.

Military and police who approach indigenous territories will be detained and subject to indigenous justice.



Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF Economic Reforms
By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, October 09, 2019

…Popular rage toppled three earlier anti-populist regimes in the decade before Correa was elected president in 2007.

Will hugely unpopular Moreno be next — despite support from the US-led West, internal business interests, and military leaders?…

MORE: Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF Economic Reforms – Global Research

Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF E… This important article by Stephen Lendman brings the forefront the insidious role of IMF Economic Medicine. The …


Sorry – today only in English…  disculpe – hoy solo in ingles    entschuldigung – heute nur auf Englisch

Dear Friends

Fishing in America’s agitated internet waves we have caught two informative articles about the terrible plight of the people of Ecuador and their heroic struggle, one from Brazil and one from the USA. (Scroll further down please)

But first we would like to offer some general background to the Ecuadorian liberation struggle and suggest what it might mean to humans who don’t live in Ecuador:

After Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez Frias was assassinated* the first wave of the struggle for the Second Independence** of Latin America started to weaken.

(* Yes – you heard right – Hugo Chavez was assassinated, as much of the available evidence suggests  – see for instance articles by Wayne Madsen or Eva Golinger. The burden of proof rests for this reason with those who claim that he died a natural death.  
* Second Independence – why? Because the first one resulted mainly in the gradual substitution of European by North American exploitation – or – in more professional terms –  the substitution of European colonialism by North-American neo-colonialism.)

The void left by the death of the Venezuelan beacon of light was quickly exploited by North American cleptocrats and their regime in Washington in cahoots with their European and local Latin American cleptocrat vassals who managed to install several right wing vasall regimes – be it by military coups as in Honduras, be it by (ab-)using parliaments or tribunals or by other „soft“ coup techniques as in Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala and more countries – among them Ecuador. Luckily this wave of „soft“ coups was not successful in Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia or Venezuela because of the well developed political savy and wisdom in the populations of these countries.

The Mexican people, who decided for a sharp U-turn in their last presidential elections, seem to have encouraged the more and more exploited and impoverished Latin American populations, tired as they are of this neoliberal horror show, to defend, reclaim and rebuild in hopefully more solid ways the incredible progress reached amazingly fast in Chavez‘ time.

They need the solidarity of every person with a living heart. They’re blazing a path which might be of great use in the struggle of the more and more abused populations on the North Atlantic shores. These – if they should wish to overcome their stagnation, frustration and rapidly increasing impoverishment, fear, suffering and depression – have to liberate themselves from the yoke of exactly the same cleptocrats who control „their“ media and „their“ every day more criminal and ridiculous regimes who spy on „their“ citizens in 1001 ways. The sooner this liberation happens the better for Europe, North America and the whole planet!

Now – the news from Ecuador:


SITREP: Ecuador on the brink of civil war?
2761 Views October 08, 2019 15 Comments

by Ruben Bauer Naveira (Brazil) for The Saker Blog

…The CONAIE hereby declares a state of exception in all indigenous territories.

Military and police who approach indigenous territories will be detained and subject to indigenous justice…



Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF Economic Reforms
By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, October 09, 2019

…Popular rage toppled three earlier anti-populist regimes in the decade before Correa was elected president in 2007.

Will hugely unpopular Moreno be next — despite support from the US-led West, internal business interests, and military leaders?…


Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF Economic Reforms – Global Research

Popular Outrage Against Ecuador’s President Moreno. Deadly Wave of IMF E… This important article by Stephen Lendman brings the forefront the insidious role of IMF Economic Medicine. The …

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Asunto: Enviamos el Boletín de Barómetro Internacional 10-10-2019

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El Equipo de Barómetro Internacional

Autor: Hartmut Barth-Engelbart

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