Looking for Rich Kaffenberger (USA), the Grand-grand-grand-grand-Child of Bernhard Kaffenberger from Mittel-Gründau Germany

Dear Rich, some years ago, you wrote me an e-mail and asked me many questions about your ansistors here in Mittel-Gründau and Langen and Gersprenz and so on.  I lost your adress, cause of a system-crash two or three or may be four or fife years ago. Yes, its been in 2008. I would be very happy to read or hear some words from you.

It would be fantastic, if you could find a Picture of your Grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-Pa.

We couldnt find any overhere. But we need one !!!


sincerely yours


Hartmut Barth-Engelbart


it is very important, because Bernhard Kaffenberger was one of the most encouraged revolutionary People, which founded the German Democracy in 1848. The Groß-Herzog from Hessen-Darmstadt forced him and his family to leave Germany. He said, if Bernhard Kaffenberger wouldnt leave, he would be imprisoned till the end of his life.

Many inhabitants of Mittel-Gründau want to write a book about the history of this village  and one chapter shall tell the story of your ansistors…


You can find much more about Bernhard Kaffenberger, if you look at the archiv on the right side of my homepage at  „Gründauer Geschichte(n)“ : ((to my regret not in English . google translator is realy not so good, !!)

Dorfarmut und “Antisemitismus” am Beispiel des oberhessischen Dorfes Mittel-Gründau


Büdinger Fürsten & ihr GeldAdels-Troß verhöker(te)n unsere Geschichte, Auftragshehler mach(t)en Millionen


30. Erzählabend des Historisch-Demokratischen Vereins von 1848 am 6.September:
Meddel-Grinner Histour goes online!


Warum so viel Widerstand gegen einen Widerstandskämpfer?
Ein Altbürgermeister & Widerstandskämpfer,
ein KZ-Opfer & Deserteur (aus der Strafkompanie 999)
erhält von Bundespräsident Scheel das Bundesverdienstkreuz
aber keine Straße, nicht Mal (s)eine Halle wird nach ihm benannt. WARUM


Von “vaterlandslosen Gesellen”, Do. 09.02. : 21. Erzählabend des Historisch-Demokratischen Vereins Mittel-Gründau von 1848 i.d. IAS e.V.


An den letzten Überlebenden der Mittel-Gündauer Bäcker-Familie Hecht


“Bei’s Tobiase”: eine Adresse als Widerstands-Denkmal ? !


Autor: Hartmut Barth-Engelbart

Autor von barth-engelbart.de

Ein Gedanke zu „Looking for Rich Kaffenberger (USA), the Grand-grand-grand-grand-Child of Bernhard Kaffenberger from Mittel-Gründau Germany“

  1. Dear Hartmut,

    My great, great, great etc. grandfather was Wendel Justus Kaffenberger. Ans it was about 10 ? years ago that I had often contact with Rich. We and other relatives in Germany and the USA, even did a DNA-test to check if we had the same ancestor. Ihave Rich his contact information. I will not leave it her in public so if you send me an e-mail I’ll send it to you.
    Regards from Holland,
    Rob Koffijberg

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