The “Partition” of Costa Rica oder Wie einmal aus CostaRica RestaRica wurde
fast so wie aus Palästina
The “Partition” of Costa Rica
Fuente: Flora Fernández Amón 2014-08-07
Leider HaBE ich die spanische Version und die “restaricierte” Karte CostaRicas nicht zur Hand, ich hätte sie gerne hier auch veröffentlicht. Die folgende Geschichte scheint mir so nah an der Wirklichkeit zu sein, wie die Märchen der hessischen Wirts- und Marktfrauen, bevor sie die Brüder Grimm klauen und höflich – hoffähig und großbürgerlich-salonfähig säubern konnten für die Herren von Arnim, Buderus von Carlshausen, Savigny usw..und deren höhere Kreise.. Wer im Kloster Konradsdorf die Urfassungen in der Inszenierung von Ronka Nickel und meist mit Hans Schwab in den Hauptrollen gesehen hat, der weiß, was ich mit den einführenden Sätzen gemeint HaBE. Vielen Dank an Flora Fernández Amón für diese göttliche Fabel: Ich schlage meinem Verleger Dr. Giuseppe Zambon vor, diese Fabel in einem Buch mit einem Duzend Übersetzungen zusammen mit Abraham (“Abi”) Melzer zu veröffentlichen. Die deutsche Übersetzung würde ich gerne auch ohne Honorar übernehmen, wenn sich so schnell niemand anderes dafür finden läßt. Die Illustrationen sollte Barbara Bragutti übernehmen…...
Let’s imagine this fable:
After the Revolution of 1948, a powerful country in the world said: “These Costa Ricans do not know how to live in peace: there’s a very small population, hardly a million inhabitants, meanwhile, there is another wandering people without land, who recently suffered a terrible holocaust and want to settle in Costa Rica.”
Let’s imagine that the powerful country decided it was enough for Costa Ricans to keep the provinces of Alajuela, Cartago and the southern part of Puntarenas, let’s say 42% of the territory, while 57% would be given to the “outsiders” as we will call them henceforth.
The remaining 1% of the territory would remain under international administration as the Basilica de los Angeles is located there and is a well known place of pilgrimage, where people come from the rest of the planet to visit “la Negrita” (The Virgin of Los Angeles). Obviously the partition was decided without asking the Costa Rican population their opinion, without compensation, without a referendum or consultation, without explanation or consent and to make things worse, none of the provinces “granted” to Costa Ricans could communicate among each other.
Such dispossession was simply called “the partition Costa Rica.” Costa Ricans actually called this abuse the “catastrophe” and right there started the mess between Costa Ricans and “outsiders” who also had different customs, religion, language and manners; they were not nice at all because they actually insinuated that the whole country be given to them and considered Costa Ricans inferior.
Furthermore, “outsiders” came heavily armed and kept arming themselves. Many buildings were bombed with explosives that ended up in complete demolitions, disregarding the fact that they were located in Costa Rica. Terrorism was brutal. Costa Ricans instead had very rudimentary weapons, most of them almost childish in comparison, and most of the people could only handle agricultural tools, yet knew, ironically that the “outsiders” insisted in calling them terrorists.
When UN mediators were sent to calm down “outsiders”, the “outsiders“ killed them. When UN issued orders to the “outsiders”, the orders were never fulfilled, as the “outsiders” knew that powerful countries backed them and would negate the necessity of meeting such obligations.
After 20 years of all kinds of aggressions and abuse, the neighbor countries that spoke the same language as Costa Ricans decided to liberate them from the “outsiders”; but they did not count on the fact that “outsiders” had more weapons and military organization than all neighbor countries together.
That war lasted almost a week. Costa Ricans, who were trying to recover their territory, were stunned by how the “outsiders” took away the province of Alajuela, a big portion of Cartago and almost all the province of Puntarenas and only left them a bit of the southern part of the country: to be precise, only the “Burica Strip” bordering Panama, and as well, closed the border crossing, alleging they feared Costa Ricans could supply weapons through the border.
Disregarding international laws, the “outsiders” reduced the sea territory of Costa Rica, so that fishermen were not allowed to pass that limit, and this cut down their possibilities of having enough fish to feed its people. If any fisherman passed the limit of three miles by mistake or due to the action of tides, or trying to feed its people, then the grand “outsiders’ “ ships would take possession of them. “Outsiders” would not ask, but just kill the fishermen who were infringing the limits and blockade which they had imposed capriciously.
Only one border crossing, called “Rafa” was allowed to enter the “Burica Strip” which was probably a nickname for San Rafael, patron saint of fishermen. “Outsiders” would not allow merchandise or any kind of goods introduced through the border or by sea. So clever Costa Ricans began tunneling in order to smuggle food and whatever they needed.
Burica Strip was so isolated that Costa Ricans living there could not visit their relatives and friends on the heights of Tierra Blanca, neither could they go and visit the Virgin of Los Angeles any day… not even August 2, a holy date for most of the religious people. Moreover, in Cartago, “outsiders” were tearing down houses belonging to Costa Ricans, who had to sleep with shoes in case they would have to run away before their home would smash and kill them, while the “foreign settlers” kept on expanding. Later they built walls over 20 feet high to keep Costa Ricans from entering into the land that rightfully belonged to them.
While Costa Ricans embraced the teachings of Gandhi and ML King about nonviolence, “outsiders” kept on aggressively moving borders, taking away more and more land from Costa Rican territory. When Costa Ricans, fed up such attitude and in desperation resisting with homemade bombs, then the outsiders would indiscriminately bomb Burica Strip and atrocious arrests would occur at the heights of Tierra Blanca in Cartago. If children threw stones at the walls, they would be kidnapped and kept in prison for as long as “outsiders” wanted.
“Outsiders” murdered Costa Ricans over and over again. Thousands of children, women and innocent civilians were killed or injured. “We have become hostages in our own land! ”, Costa Ricans repeated bitterly. “Our extermination is the only thing that would satisfy the bloodlust of “outsiders.”
“That’s our perfect revenge” many “outsiders” were thinking. They happened to be victims of a madman who wanted to exterminate them, unfortunately, instead of learning from such a mistake, they imitated those who had previously caused so much pain; they learned the lesson of dominating and exterminating the weak. “Now it’s our turn to show power and exterminate Costa Ricans “the outsiders” were thinking.
So the international community began to wake up because television and internet showed what was happening. Many people were asking for a fair deal for Costa Ricans. Demonstrations took place worldwide, some demonstrators were arrested, but instead of stepping back, the “ousiders” continued, solidly, in their goals. Humanitarian truces were declared but somehow “outsiders” accepted, but looked the other way and kept bombing buildings with people inside, causing more and more deaths: ¿Genocide, holocaust, slaughter? You name it.
And what about the “outsiders”? They do not care: all they want is to drive all the people out of their country and take over the land, no matter if they have to do it under blood and fire … they are winning as the stronger and most violent in conflicts, but are losing reputation and prestige in front of the public opinion worldwide.
If this fable sounds distant and hypothetical, it is closer to reality than “imagination” can reach: Just let’s take a look at our indigenous peoples, how they were displaced, humiliated, exploited … wiped out. All land called “Costa Rica” for the last 500 years, was stolen, “legalized”, “authorized”, sold, transferred and occupied… When did we compensate our aboriginal, indigenous people called Huetares, Ngöbes, Bri-bris, Bruncas, Chorotegas, Cabécares …?
What about Palestine? Palestine exists (is there) and resists, is today recognized as a state by the UN, is empowered to take crimes against humanity to multilateral agencies and if someone wants to take “terrorists” to trial, great! Maybe this way we will finally know who they are.
Abmahnungen, dieses Mal nicht schon wieder vom “LINKE”n Mark Seibert :-)))) die bisherigen -hauptsächlich “LINKE”n – Abmahnungen haben mir Kosten von über 15.000,-€ eingebrockt. die ich nicht alleine auslöffeln kann. Pepe würde mich nicht abmahnen, aber eventuell die AT.. Deshalb bitte ich um Engagements und /oder Spenden:
Wehret den Anfängen!!!!!!!!!! und auch den Anfängern, die vor Kurzem oder Langem wieder angefangen haben!!!!!!
Auch eine leider notwendige Korrektur, die ich bei einem HagenRether-Programm (LIEBE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,…?) vorgenommen HaBE, hat mich ne Reihe hoher AbmahnRaten gekostet – also nicht vom Kollegen Rether sondern von einem, der ihn fotografiert und das als wiki-Bild getarnt hatte